Week 3 conversations:
[00:16] David: hey
[00:17] finerhine: hello!
[00:17] David: ok so...um...suck up to george!
[00:18] finerhine: really?
[00:18] finerhine: lol
[00:19] David: yes...apparently he wants to backdoor you if possible...now jani and nate and i were counting votes and we think you can stay but i don't want you in the line of fire if i can help it
[00:19] finerhine: how do you know this?
[00:20] David: nate and jani and i talked about it last night
[00:20] David: your name apparently got brought up to george and we dunno by who
[00:20] David: we think george is in with kaysar and jordan
[00:21] finerhine: so why me?
[00:21] David: who the fuck knows
[00:21] David: it's crap because there are inactives and you are like the most active behind jani
[00:21] David: it's crap
[00:22] finerhine: I'd say
[00:22] finerhine: well George is "away" at the moment
[00:22] David: but i'm lookin out for you and i wanted you to have a heads up...george isn't giving me anything
[00:22] David: i asked last night if the veto was used who would go up
[00:22] David: and he said "lets cross taht bridge when we get to it"
[00:22] David: i was like...bullshit
[00:23] finerhine: Does he realize how bad I suck at challenges? lol
[00:23] David: lol idk
[00:23] finerhine: so I'd be okay if I'm on the block with Roddy? But not with Nathan?
[00:24] David: roddy wouldn't come off...nathan would...so you would be just fine
[00:24] David: but we don't want to chance it
[00:24] David: nathan is fine with roddy
[00:24] David: either way roddy would go
[00:24] finerhine: I'm more than a little confused by this whole thing
[00:25] David: iwhich part?
[00:25] finerhine: all of it. lol me as the backdoor plan
[00:25] David: i know!
[00:25] David: talk to jani too about it
[00:25] David: cuz i was pissed when i found out
[00:25] finerhine: I will
[00:26] finerhine: I talked to Kaysar today
[00:26] finerhine: too
[00:26] finerhine: lol
[00:26] David: about what?
[00:26] finerhine: just about nothing
[00:26] finerhine: just because I saw him online
[00:27] David: oh cool
[00:27] finerhine: well he seemed cool
[00:27] finerhine: but if he's in on the plan to get rid of me...
[00:27] David: that's what we THINK
[00:27] finerhine: then maybe that was a good thing that I had a conversation with him
[00:27] David: we're not sure but we THINK so
[00:28] finerhine: who mentioned my name though?
[00:29] David: idk who mentioned it to george
[00:29] David: i heard from nate
[00:29] finerhine: and who did he hear it from?
[00:30] David: that i don't know
[00:30] finerhine: I'm asking him now...
[00:30] David: ok cool
[00:31] finerhine: nominations need to stay the way they are
[00:31] finerhine: and Janelle said she did horrible
[00:31] David: i know
[00:31] David: they need to stay
[00:31] David: then roddy goes
[00:33] finerhine: he said "a few people"
[00:34] finerhine: "that's just what's going around"
[00:34] David: this is such crap you have done NOTHING to anyone!
[00:34] finerhine: I know
[00:34] finerhine: ha ha
[00:34] finerhine: I thought that stripper girl liked me too
[00:34] David: ugh
[00:36] finerhine: this really sucks
[00:36] David: i know
[00:36] David: the least i can hope for is that we have the votes to keep you
[00:36] finerhine: really
[00:37] finerhine: or that nobody uses the veto
[00:37] finerhine: it doesn't even make sense to want me out of the game
[00:37] David: it really doesn't
[00:37] David: unless drew is in with george now
[00:38] finerhine: yeah
[00:38] David: i'm sorry but i haven't talked to drew at all since all this shit
[00:38] finerhine: could be
[00:38] David: and he knows who we are aligned with
[00:38] finerhine: I haven't much either
[00:38] David: idk i just don't trust him now
[00:39] finerhine: well how can we?
[00:39] David: i dunno
[00:39] David: we cant
[00:40] finerhine: I would hope that I would have the votes to stay
[00:41] finerhine: I really don't get it
[00:41] finerhine: lol
[00:41] finerhine: I wish George were online...
[00:41] David: you will but lets just hope the veto isn't used
[00:41] finerhine: yeah
[00:45] finerhine: now I'm going to worry about this until veto results are up...and then through the veto ceremony...and then through the eviction...
[00:45] finerhine: lol
[00:46] David:
[00:46] David: don't we'll work it out
[00:50] finerhine: I hope so
[00:50] David: we will hun
[00:11] finerhine: did you pick Danielle to play so you'd have a better chance of winning it yourself?
[00:13] Nathan: yeah lol
[00:13] Nathan: shh!
[00:13] finerhine: I figured that was the reason
[00:13] finerhine: lol
[00:21] Nathan: mhm haha
[00:21] finerhine: so...
[00:21] finerhine: do you think I'm the target this week?
[00:22] Nathan: i hope not
[00:22] finerhine: why is David telling me I am?
[00:22] Nathan: some rumors today have said you might be replacement =/
[00:23] finerhine: that doesn't make sense...
[00:25] Nathan: i know
[00:25] Nathan: it doesn't make sense he nominated me either!
[00:25] Nathan: i don't trust him
[00:26] finerhine: how does it even make sense for me to go this week?
[00:26] Nathan: it doesn't
[00:27] Nathan: i hope it's left the same and then i stay
[00:27] finerhine: yeah
[00:27] finerhine: so Janelle or someone else would have to win the veto and not use it
[00:28] Nathan: what do you mean?
[00:29] finerhine: so that things stay the way they are.
[00:29] finerhine: You would most certainly stay over Roddy
[00:29] Nathan: i think you would stay too?
[00:29] finerhine: who did you hear from that it would be me?
[00:30] finerhine: as the replacement
[00:32] finerhine: ?
[00:32] Nathan: a few people, that's just what is going around
[00:33] finerhine: well Janelle said she heard it from you and David...and David told me you said so...
[00:33] finerhine: so where did you hear it specifically?
[00:34] Nathan: they heard it from me first?
[00:34] finerhine: that's what they said
[00:34] Nathan: bring it up with jee
[00:34] finerhine: for real?
[00:35] Nathan: don't say I said anything
[00:35] Nathan:
[00:35] finerhine: I won't
[00:35] Nathan: just casually ask jee
[00:35] finerhine: ask him what?
[00:35] Nathan: like maybe bring up nominations then ask who he thinks replacement would be ro something?
[00:36] finerhine: ok
[00:36] finerhine: have you talked to him tonight?
[00:37] finerhine: cause he's not answering
[00:37] Nathan: i talked to him earlier not tonight tho
[00:38] Nathan: not responding to me either yet
[00:41] finerhine: oh here he is
[00:41] Nathan: same
[00:44] finerhine: I'm asking him stuff...
[00:44] finerhine: I'll let you know what he says...
[00:45] Nathan: ok
[00:45] finerhine: are you also talking to him?
[00:46] Nathan: no
[00:46] Nathan: i'm finishing up a mini lol
[00:46] Nathan: i said hi to him, but I never replied back to him
[00:46] finerhine: [00:46] Jee: i asked chicken and he was like i don't know...
[00:47] Nathan: what'd you ask him?
[00:48] finerhine: what he thought might happen if veto was used
[00:49] Nathan: hmmm
[00:51] Nathan: let me see what he says
[00:51] finerhine: ok
[00:51] Nathan: everyone talked and he prob doesn't want anyone to know idk
[00:53] finerhine: he also says that he's worried himself
[00:55] Nathan: really?
[00:56] Nathan: maybe it got out of hand
[00:56] Nathan: you know how word of mouth spreads
[00:57] Nathan:
nathan3me (11:55:57 PM): I wonder who he'll replace, is it still james?
"Jee" (11:56:24 PM): well i never knew if it were james or not.. lol
"Jee" (11:56:30 PM): that was a guess
"Jee" (11:56:33 PM): and i sitll don't know =X
nathan3me (11:56:45 PM): lol, I think people are saying that but maybe it's not true
[00:57] finerhine: hmm
[00:57] finerhine: thanks
[00:57] Nathan: please don't say I told you anything
[00:57] finerhine: I won't Nate.
[00:58] finerhine: you can trust me. I would hope that you'd have figured that out by now.
[00:58] finerhine:
[00:58] Nathan: mhm
[00:58] Nathan: you said david and Janelle said I told them that tho
[00:58] Nathan: that's how I lose trust
[00:59] finerhine: well they did tell me that
[00:59] Nathan: iyeah
[00:59] Nathan: i like to keep convos with people to ourselves you know?
[00:59] finerhine: yeah
[00:59] Nathan: but I trust that you wont say anything to jee or anybody
[01:00] finerhine: well David brought this whole thing up to me...so I had to find out where it came from...I asked Janelle,,,she said she heard it from you and David, and then I asked David who told me it came from you.
[01:00] finerhine: that's why I asked you
[01:01] Nathan: yeah
[01:01] Nathan: i understand
[01:03] Nathan: i think everything will work out
[01:03] finerhine: I really hope so
[01:05] Nathan: who is close to roddy, do you know?
[01:06] finerhine: not sure
[01:06] finerhine: I talk to him sometimes...
[01:12] finerhine: are you worried you won't have the votes against Roddy?
[01:12] finerhine: I would think you are pretty safe
[01:12] Nathan: I hope so, but you never know really
[01:12] Nathan: everyone says no one is talking about it, but I'm sure people are right?
[01:12] finerhine: for sure
[01:18] finerhine: I'm hating this game lol
[01:20] Nathan: what game?
[01:20] finerhine: this one that we're in. lol
[01:21] finerhine: nobody says what they mean...or gives straight answers...
[01:27] Nathan: lol
[01:27] Nathan: I say it straight
[01:27] finerhine: which I appreciate. lol
[01:29] Nathan: no prob
[01:29] Nathan: I feel like everyone doesn't want to talk game
[01:29] Nathan: like people are afraid to say stuff
[01:30] finerhine: I know...well there are so many of us
[01:30] finerhine: I guess that's why...
[01:32] finerhine: alright, so Jee just guessed that it would be me? But he must have talked with George about it...
[01:32] finerhine: why do I get the feeling that everyone outside of our "alliance" is aligned?
[01:34] Nathan: i think they are
[01:35] Nathan: george jordan kaysar will
[01:35] Nathan: who else?
[01:35] finerhine: Erika?
[01:37] finerhine: someone in our "alliance" must have flipped too
[01:38] Nathan: probably
[01:39] finerhine: any ideas who it might have been?
[01:39] finerhine: I know it wasn't you, Janele or David. lol
[01:39] finerhine: and it wasn't me.
[01:39] Nathan: drew maybe
[01:40] finerhine: That seems to be the consensus
[01:40] Nathan: that's why kaysar is safe this week
[01:41] finerhine: yeah
[01:41] Nathan: all fits together
[01:42] finerhine: I just want to know what's going to happen! I'm sure you do too! lol
[01:45] Nathan: mhm
[01:45] Nathan: i want results now!
[01:48] finerhine: well soon
[01:49] finerhine: Roddy just finished it...so possibly just Danielle left...if she's not done it yet.
[01:50] Nathan: yeah
[00:47] Roddy: Hey!
[00:47] finerhine: hey buddy
[00:47] finerhine: how are you?
[00:47] Roddy: pretty good
[00:47] Roddy: *wow premature
[00:47] Roddy: lol
[00:47] finerhine: haha
[00:47] Roddy: wrong im lol
[00:47] Roddy: but pretty good lmfao
[00:47] Roddy: wby?
[00:47] finerhine: psyhic?
[00:47] Roddy: lol of course
[00:47] finerhine: what's "wby"?
[00:48] Roddy: *wbu me and my typos lol
[00:48] Roddy: what about u lol
[00:48] finerhine: oh
[00:48] finerhine: haha
[00:49] finerhine: I'm good too
[00:49] Roddy: thats goooood
[00:49] Roddy: so how was ur day?
[00:49] finerhine: okay, how was yours?
[00:49] finerhine: did you play for veto?
[00:49] Roddy: Mine was great! I hung out with people the whole day lol
[00:50] Roddy: No, I didnt....lol.
[00:50] finerhine: okay
[00:50] finerhine: lol
[00:50] Roddy: I didnt get the chance
[00:50] finerhine: oh
[00:50] Roddy: and i have work tomorrow 12-6 so most likely i wont get to do it unti after that
[00:50] Roddy: *until
[00:52] finerhine: well good luck
[00:52] finerhine: I hear it's difficult
[00:52] Roddy: lol
[00:52] Roddy: i bet it will be
[00:52] Roddy: but i did my research
[00:54] Roddy: lol
[00:54] Roddy: i mean that as in the real BB version of it
[00:54] Roddy: not like cheating and asking people
[00:54] Roddy: i just realized that could have come across rlly wrong lol
[00:54] finerhine: I knew what you meant
[00:54] Roddy: lol just clarifying haha
[00:54] finerhine: alright
[00:55] finerhine: George is just such a difficult person to get a read on...I want you to be able to save yourself...but I have no idea who he might put up in your place
[00:55] Roddy: lol same
[00:56] Roddy: well, if anything i have to save myself
[00:56] Roddy: and not worry about who he'd put up in my place, u know?
[00:56] Roddy: but i have no idea
[00:56] Roddy: i dont even talk to him
[00:56] Roddy: i dont want to
[00:56] Roddy: i dont like him
[00:56] Roddy: lmao
[00:56] finerhine: oh I know
[00:56] finerhine: And I'd expect you to do that
[00:57] Roddy: lol
[00:58] Roddy: i almost wanted to IM him the other day to start shit
[00:58] Roddy: just cuz what he said about the PMs
[00:58] Roddy: but i refrained
[00:58] Roddy: cuz i dont know if he has any "allies" that i might need votes from this week
[00:58] Roddy: lol
[00:58] finerhine: he's probably got a few allies
[00:58] Roddy: i dont understand how....
[00:58] Roddy: everyone ive talked with says they dont speak to him
[00:58] Roddy: and when they do its awkward and he doesnt say anything
[00:58] finerhine: they're probably covering their asses
[01:00] Roddy: hm, maybe.
[01:00] Roddy: I still am convinced there's someone in our alliance whos exposing it
[01:00] Roddy: and wants to destroy it
[01:00] finerhine: for sure
[01:01] Roddy: Janelle just told me she thinks its Drew
[01:01] Roddy: hes been @ the top of my radar for that since that christmas post
[01:01] Roddy: but im not ruling anyone out
[01:01] Roddy: i wouldnt be surprised if janelle was doing shit behind the scenes w/ it as well u know
[01:01] Roddy: i trust u 100
[01:01] Roddy: thats about it
[01:01] Roddy: lol
[01:03] Roddy: Well Janelle is pushing that its Drew lol
[01:03] finerhine: well that's good
[01:03] finerhine: I trust you too
[01:03] finerhine: it's hard to believe it's not Drew
[01:03] Roddy: RoDDyDevilMonsta 1:02 am
hmmm. no idea, but u could be right.
I'm sure there's soemone thats not too keen on the idea of our 9 person alliance
Janelle 1:02 am
haha yeah i heard that he had leaked it
RoDDyDevilMonsta 1:03 am
From who?
Janelle 1:03 am
i forget who told me now. its been a little while
[01:04] finerhine: because of the whole skin thing
[01:04] Roddy: i HATE when people say they "forgot who told them"
[01:04] Roddy: i think thats such a freakin lie
[01:04] finerhine: yeah
[01:04] Roddy: its not hard to remember who told u something
[01:04] Roddy: :
[01:04] finerhine: how could you forget
[01:04] Roddy: (eyeroll smiley)
[01:04] Roddy: forgot it wasnt proboards
[01:04] Roddy: lol
[01:04] Roddy: see, that doesnt sit with me well when someone thats aligned with me is lying already about something like that
[01:04] Roddy: lol
[01:05] Roddy: and drew on the other hand
[01:05] finerhine: I really hate this
[01:05] Roddy: like can i trust what he's saying in the bedroom? i hope i really have his vote if nominees stay as they are
[01:05] Roddy: I think I'd have him if hes honest, you, kaysar told me he'd keep me
[01:05] Roddy: David i'm hoping
[01:05] Roddy: Dani idk considering Nathan picked her for Veto
[01:05] finerhine: I know...that's why I didn't say I had your back in the bedroom...I didn't want it to get out to the wrong people
[01:05] Roddy: honestly idk what Dani is doing in our alliance
[01:06] Roddy: like, i talked to her once.
[01:06] Roddy: She's not around much, even less than me imo.
[01:06] finerhine: tell me about it
[01:06] Roddy: I dont see her being that strong of a competitor thus far (watch her win veto ugh lol)
[01:06] finerhine: why wasn't she nominated?
[01:06] Roddy: exactly
[01:06] Roddy: w/e
[01:06] finerhine: I'd be so pissed if George is planning a backdoor
[01:07] Roddy: doubt it
[01:07] Roddy: He genuinely doesnt like me obv.
[01:07] Roddy: he didnt respond to my PMs
[01:07] Roddy: then told me i was nom'd because we don't talk and i never even PM'd him
[01:07] Roddy: and he told Nathan he was safe pre-noms and then put him up
[01:08] Roddy: soooo...yeah. i dont think hes fond of us lol.
[01:08] finerhine: that's weird.
[01:08] finerhine: maybe he's planning to save Nathan?
[01:08] Roddy: hm.good point.
[01:08] Roddy: well, i wouldnt be surprised if that whole other side of the alliance really didnt like us or something
[01:08] Roddy: lol
[01:09] finerhine: and it wasn't even our freakin idea!
[01:09] Roddy: i know -_-
[01:09] Roddy: i knew i didnt want to get involved in it
[01:09] Roddy: if im being targetted for this alliance, uhg.
[01:09] Roddy: i mean, it is for the most part the strongest people in the house though, so it pays off for the most part.
[01:10] Roddy: or for the first few weeks it will lol
[01:11] finerhine: well apparently neither did Santa want to be involved in the alliance
[01:11] Roddy: LMAO!
[01:11] finerhine: how could you even be targetted for that? You were barely around
[01:11] Roddy: i know lol
[01:11] Roddy: but it still wouldnt surprise me
[01:11] Roddy: like take out people in that alliance thaty maybe werent around as much
[01:11] Roddy: idk
[01:11] Roddy: ...
[01:11] Roddy: lol
[01:12] Roddy: i wasnt like invisible
[01:12] Roddy: i just wasnt online as much as some others lol
[01:12] Roddy: the thing is like, sometimes i get online too
[01:12] Roddy: but NO ONE ELSE is on when I log on
[01:12] Roddy: -_- lol
[01:12] finerhine: I know!
[01:12] Roddy: it pisses me off lol
[01:13] Roddy: im like, i try to get on to talk to people and they're just never on
[01:13] Roddy: doesnt exactly work in my favor
[01:13] Roddy: hey where do u think justin stands?
[01:13] Roddy: he is another one ike confusing to me
[01:13] Roddy: *like
[01:13] finerhine: I don't know...
[01:13] finerhine: I feel like everyone outside of our alliance is aligned.
[01:14] finerhine: just because of the fact that ours was leaked
[01:14] Roddy: SAME
[01:14] finerhine: has anyone besides Drew promised you their vote?
[01:14] Roddy: yes
[01:14] Roddy: kaysare
[01:15] Roddy: *kaysar
[01:15] Roddy: jee
[01:15] finerhine: well that's a good start
[01:15] Roddy: im going to check w/ dave right now actually
[01:15] finerhine: lol
[01:15] Roddy: you i'm guessing?
[01:15] Roddy: lol
[01:15] finerhine: good idea
[01:15] Roddy: that would be 5 if dave says yes
[01:15] finerhine: I told you already
[01:15] finerhine: lol
[01:15] Roddy: lol i know
[01:15] Roddy: kidding with u
[01:15] Roddy: i'd need 8 to stay so if dave says yes 3 more, 4 to be safe
[01:15] Roddy: I'm working on Holly but I know she's close with Nathan, but she's also expressed she likes me
[01:16] Roddy: I'm gunna try to work on Justin since we talked a bit...
[01:16] Roddy: Nakomis i'll talk with
[01:16] Roddy: Jean Jordan i'm attempting
[01:16] Roddy: Janelle I think is close with Nathan so i dont think im gunna even bother asking
[01:16] Roddy: im trying with Sarah
[01:16] Roddy: Dani is a lost cause
[01:17] finerhine: yeah I think Janelle is closer with Nathan
[01:17] Roddy: yeah, i know she is. lol
[01:17] finerhine: you could leave Dani a PM still
[01:17] Roddy: yeah
[01:17] Roddy: but the fact that Nate picked Danielle for veto out of anyone i felt like kind of said something
[01:17] finerhine: my guess is that he thought it would be less competition
[01:17] Roddy: well i talked to him one day and i think he said danielle said she might save him if she won or something like that
[01:18] Roddy: when i asked why he picked her
[01:18] finerhine: hmmm
[01:18] finerhine: really?
[01:19] Roddy: yes
[01:19] Roddy: keyword being might
[01:19] Roddy: but
[01:19] Roddy: yeah
[01:19] finerhine: or she might save you, or nobody. lol
[01:20] Roddy: LOL doubt she'd save me
[01:20] Roddy: lmao
[01:20] finerhine: Whoever this Santa person is, they've succeeded at getting us all to point fingers at each other
[01:20] Roddy: but yeah, ur right.
[01:20] Roddy: well, i havent seen too many fingers pointed other than at Drew
[01:20] Roddy: but yes, Iknew this was going to occur.
[01:20] Roddy: A 9 person alliance isn't gunna stay together for that long -_-
[01:20] Roddy: lol
[01:20] finerhine: well I mean it's caused us not to be able to trust everyone
[01:21] Roddy: somewhat
[01:22] Roddy: i always knew where i stood with certain people in this alliance
[01:22] Roddy: like obviously its split
[01:22] finerhine: are you talking with Dave?
[01:22] Roddy: it was made up by JANELLE PICKING A SIDE and DAVID PICKING A SIDE
[01:22] Roddy: like, u know? lol
[01:22] Roddy: yes i am..why?
[01:22] finerhine: because you said you were going to check with him...I wanted to know what he told you.
[01:23] Roddy: Oh yes!Sorry, update.lol
[01:23] Roddy: He said yes
[01:23] Roddy: he'd vote to keep me
[01:23] finerhine: it makes more sense too
[01:23] finerhine: lol
[01:23] finerhine: besides the fact that I like you
[01:24] Roddy: why is that?
[01:24] Roddy: lol
[01:24] finerhine: well if Janelle is closer to Nathan, as well as Holly, then they would be down a person.
[01:24] Roddy: right
[01:24] finerhine: I mean for me and David to keep you
[01:24] finerhine: it would make the most sense
[01:25] Roddy: hmm, true.
[01:25] Roddy: I thought it was split bedroom and bedroom but
[01:25] Roddy: apparently
[01:25] Roddy: dani could be with them
[01:25] Roddy: so
[01:25] Roddy: we never know
[01:25] finerhine: well I don't know anymore
[01:25] Roddy: lol
[01:25] Roddy: yeah....same.
[01:25] Roddy: I'm sure there's side alliances too, there has to be.
[01:25] Roddy: So... we all know how all that goes.
[01:26] finerhine: I'm hating this game at the moment.
[01:26] Roddy: lol
[01:26] Roddy: i know what u mean
[01:26] Roddy: well it was dry the first 2 weeks and the drama picked up week 3 as i predicted haha
[01:26] finerhine: it definitely has...
[01:27] Roddy: i'll be honest i was surprised michelle was evicted last week
[01:27] Roddy: @ first i wanted her to go, but changed my vote.
[01:27] Roddy: But like literally everyone i talked to was saying they wanted to keep michelle
[01:27] finerhine: of course they would
[01:28] finerhine: this game is unpredictable
[01:29] Roddy: so im gunna try the veto now, i guess we could do it with hc lmao
[01:29] finerhine: yeah
[01:29] finerhine: good luck
[01:29] Roddy: thanks!
[01:30] finerhine: I might still be here when you're done
[01:30] finerhine: if not, good night!
[01:30] Roddy: alright
[01:30] Roddy: i'll let u know how i do if ur still on
[01:30] finerhine: ok
[01:43] Roddy: ugh
[01:43] Roddy: epic fail.
[01:44] finerhine: oh no
[01:44] finerhine: was it really bad?
[01:45] Roddy: it was really hard
[01:45] Roddy: because the images moves so quickly
[01:45] Roddy: that i didnt have time to actually like, think.
[01:46] finerhine: hopefully it was the same for everyone else too
[01:47] Roddy: well janelle and sarah was
[01:47] Roddy: but nathan said he thinks he did ok so
[01:47] Roddy: ahh
[01:47] Roddy: janelle said she passed on 3 of them
[01:47] Roddy: i at least know i got them all right
[01:47] Roddy: it was just not quickly
[01:47] Roddy: lol
[01:49] finerhine: well I guess we'll wait and see...I wonder if Dani has done it
[01:49] Roddy: i dont think so
[01:49] Roddy: someone told me we're waiting on her
[01:50] Roddy: well, i really was hoping i could go for that one and save myself but i'm really doubting it.
[01:50] Roddy: so... I think Nathan won it
[01:50] Roddy: unless someone gives Dani the answers I don't see her winning it
[01:50] Roddy: I don't see Janelle winning it seeing as she passed on 3 and got one wrong
[01:50] Roddy: And Sarah doesn't seem confident whatsoever
[01:50] Roddy: She didnt get the last 3
[01:50] Roddy: she just said
[01:51] Roddy: so Sarah & Janelle are out
[01:51] Roddy: who knows how CG did
[01:51] Roddy: ugh
[01:51] Roddy: if he wins
[01:51] finerhine: Well I don't want George to win it
[01:51] Roddy: F.M.L.
[01:51] Roddy: lol
[01:51] finerhine: well
[01:52] finerhine: now we wait
[01:52] finerhine: which is the worst part
[01:52] Roddy: lol true that
[01:56] finerhine: Danielle just signed in
[01:57] Roddy: did she?
[01:57] Roddy: with an away and catching zzzzz
[01:57] Roddy: lol
[01:57] Roddy: bitch betta do the veto
[01:57] Roddy: immediately
[01:57] Roddy: lol jk
[01:58] finerhine: try to see if she's there?
[01:58] Roddy: she is
[01:58] Roddy: i just IM'd her
[02:03] Roddy: Danielle 2:02 am
gosh, I don't know. I don't want you to go.
Danielle 2:02 am
the sexy room has to stay together.
I was a little shocked that Nathan picked me.
RoDDyDevilMonsta 2:03 am
I hope I don't go
I was too actually
I was like..is something going on there?
not gunna lie
[02:03] Roddy: !!!! there is hope
[02:04] Roddy: Dont u love how i relay all info to u? lmfao
[02:06] finerhine: well yes
[02:06] finerhine: lol
I wanted to tell Roddy about the "rumours", but didn't want him to have that on his mind during the competition. Aren't I a great guy?