Janelle has won HOH, how does this affect you?She may be a strong bitch, but shes a fucking dumb one..
Time to STOP riding Davids penis and being gay with Amy. Make your own decisions, idiot. Obviously, I am quite rotted with her being HoH, AFTER coming sooooooo goddamn close.. fuck sakes.
It was a loose loose anyways.. Amy or Janelle.. lovely.
Do you feel you will be nominated?Not right away, She doesn't have the balls to nominate me first, because I could win the veto, so she has to backdoor me.. or try to, kind of a FAIL of a plan if I
alreadyyy know that
she Amy wants me backdoored. Go figure, its Andii.. Love her outside ORGs, HATE playing with her. Too much History.
If you are nominated who do you think you will be nominated against? Who would you like to see your self against?Well, as of right now.. she plans on nominating Jee & Drew. She really wants Drew to leave, but if he gets off the block I will most likely be the one to take his place.. stupid people, stupid stupid stupid.
Do you want to play in veto if you are not nominated? Will you use the veto if you win?YES, & YES, how great to win the veto and save DREW, then I would be safe and so would he.. that would be facking orgasmic.
How did/do the past evictions effect your game play?Fuck Fuck Fuck. Kaysar is the biggest waste of sperm ever. Like he should NOT be in this game.. he is JUST as bad as Daniele and Will.. soo where does he get off playing both sides, what a fucking tool.
Not that i give a shit about Will leaving, AND I adoreee James.. but he just needed to leave this week, I need numbers.. and someone whos mouth isn't attached to Davids dick, and sadly; James is one of those people.
Who are your current top 3 allies? Bottom 3?Nathan, Justin & Drew ;D
David, Amy & Janelle
How do you feel about House Calls taking over this week?! Oh, its ok...............................................
Kidding! Its fun! Yall are nuts..not borderline retarded like me.. but almost! woo! Please pick my ball outta random.org for veto and we will be rockin' this joint like a Cougar on the prowl!
P.S -
Next time your drinking, or havin' a time with some friends.. think of me!